Press Release Summary: Rhymesaurus 2.0 adds Windows Vista compatibility and a number of useful new features for writers.
Press Release Body: Purple Room Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Rhymesaurus 2.0, a new version of the world\'s most powerful rhyming dictionary software.
Rhymesaurus is no ordinary rhyming dictionary; it is the perfect English language reference tool for songwriters, poets, marketers, and anyone who needs to find exactly the right word. With Rhymesaurus, writers can find rhymes in 21 different ways, look up synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and find words based on their stress patterns, spellings, and sounds. Write faster, and become a better writer.
In addition to its 120,000 word rhyming dictionary, Rhymesaurus also includes a full 115,000 word Webster\'s dictionary, a complete Roget\'s Thesaurus, and a useful \"sounds-like\" reference. Rhymesaurus even allows you to surf the lexical relationships between words, and search for words based on their patterns of accents.
Version 2.0 adds Windows Vista compatibility, and a scratch pad for writing or taking notes within the program. Users will also find common idioms, phrases, and cliches in their rhyme results search.
With a new, lower price of just $29.95, Rhymesaurus is a must have product for anyone who works with words on a daily basis.
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Contact Details: Address: PO Box 20125, Spokane United States of America